Haven't seen any evidence of "antipathy" towards Przysiezny, clayfan.
What folk have generally been indicating in this thread and previously is that they recognise that he is a much better player than his current ranking suggests, and is also on a very good run. Hence it was concerning that he seemed on a collision course for many of main the British hopes, and naturally those looking most for GB success ( and Kontinen supporters ) wouldn't mind him being taken out as early as possible.
There is certainly no reason to personally dislike the guy himself, which is what "antipathy" indicates.
Anyway, go Bainsy, you can rise to the occasion and send that Polish guy back to err wherever he's going to next
Actually, I'd be amazed if Matthew got even close to winning here, and imagine Przysiezny will march on towards later potentially very interesting match-ups.
Of course there is nothing personal in our comments. Just fans chearing on our "team." With the occassional moan, as fans do. I still detect a little desire for revenge against Przsiezny following the Davis Cup. Personally I like to see such players doing well in the aftermath of the Davis Cup. Then defeat does not seem so bad! This week he does stand in the way of a string of Brits, so is destined to be public enemy number one again. But of course, only in a sporting sense. I accept there is no personal antipathy towards anyone. However I admit it would be nice to see Dan getting some revenge if he has to play the Pole later in the week.
You can also find the page if you search 'BBC UK tennis results' on Google; it's the second result from the top (a sub result from the BBC Sport website)
Yes, it would be useful if they actually had a tab link to "UK Results" as well as "Results" ( which are from higher level international level eg. as generally shown on Ceefax ) or then indicated a split once you went into "Results.".
That would indeed then be a really useful service.
To have them there and no indication that I can see of how to reach them is weird, and it shouldn't need Google to tell us what the BBC is seemingly hiding
Perhaps the BBC are concerned that it would undermine their reputation with some of being generally pretty useless for tenis information for much of the year