In his first match against Pedersen(local player) he got a couple of shady calls against him, line judges were kids aged 13-15(?????), after he thought one of his serves was good he went to the net and asked the linejudge/Kid if he was sure, the kid said it was very,very close but still out(serving speed of 200kmh) and laughed in his face; he won the match nevertheless; after the match he asked the supervisor how many elementary school kids are linejudges here, the supervisor said 6-7, and that he will change this(did not keep his promise); during the final in the tie breaker at 6-6* Boggo served a serve 20-30 cm out, Alex takes out the 2nd ball and prepares to serve, the umpire looks at the linejudge after 5 sec and says 7-6** Bogdanovic, he was furios, looked at the linejudge(an old lady) and she kept on smiling, he lost the following point, and asked for a toilet break before the third set, he was nervous, talking to himself, shouting a bit, and while walking out to the toilet said in croatian: ''Pizda''(pussy) to himself, and tehn afterwards ''Oh ****'', at the same moment they were changing line judges and that old lady probably thought he said to her:''Piece of ****'', went to the umpire and reported it, afterwards Dodig came back to the court and he was informed he lost because he told the line judge she was a Piece of ****. He took the trophy and flowers(gave it to a ballgirl) and went off court immediately, and in some corridor he smashed the trophy into the wall; nobody saw this, they could only hear something breking; he said that he works very hard, has to earn every single $ and he can't accept that some kids and awful judges hold in their hands if he will win a title or not, and taht he needs every $; HE apologized for his behaviour, he knows he was wrong, but the treatment he got was disgusting
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
So, Dodig makes clear he's not happy with the cheeky schoolkids, they then go to the local old folks' carehome and bring some nice smiling old ladies and he's still not happy
Actually, I do agree 13 to 15 yo schoolkids doesn't seem right, but one wonders how old this "old lady" really was.
Anyone no what are the rules re officials, including line judges, at challenger level ?
I see from this week's ATP rankings, Dodig has indeed got a big fat 0 for his final appearance in Kolding, and has dropped 3 places in the rankings, Boggo being one person passing him by.