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Post Info TOPIC: Week 29 - Challenger ($35K) - Manta, Ecuador

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RE: Week 29 - Challenger ($35K) - Manta, Ecuador

From the tournament site

Ward habla fluido español

El tenista británico James Ward, sorprendió a la sala de prensa del Challenger y a unos cuantos aficionados con un castellano casi perfecto. Al que será rival del ecuatoriano Julio Campozano en la primera ronda del torneo se lo vio acompañado por los españoles Fernando Vicente y Guillermo Alcaide conversando fluidamente en español; Ward ha vivido durante 4 años en la Madre Patria.

Ward speaks fluent Spanish (aka "SHOCK - English player can speak another language" wink)

The British tennis player James Ward surprised the Challenger's press room and quite a few fans with almost perfect (Castilian, i.e. European) Spanish. The player who will be the opponent of the Ecuadorian Julia Campozano in the first round of the tournament was seen accompanied by the Spanish players Fernando Vicente and Gulliermo Alcaide chatting fluently in Spanish; Ward lived for 4 years in the "mother country." 

He's about to start too - live scores (or possibly just scores when the matches finish, we'll see!) at


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Julio Cesar CAMPOZANO (ECU) def. James WARD (GBR) 63 62


Tennis legend

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Oh dear, results only appear at the end:

L32: (5) James Ward WR 202 lost to Julio Cesar Campozano (ECU) WR 472 by 3 & 2 bleh

That's a dire result and I can only hope (forlornly) that they got it the wrong way round. ashamed

-- Edited by steven on Monday 20th of July 2009 11:14:51 PM


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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James lost doubles as well. His form seems terrible at present. This is where only having results to go by isn't enough. Is he ill, can he not get his game together, does the score not reflect the match????


 Its really not as bad as they say :)

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Are they at altitude? What a shocker mad.gif

James Ward - Alex Ward - Kyle Edmund

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i don't think its high, 18m above sea according to a site i found. but of course we dont know what the conditions where really like. i think it can be hard to adjust sometimes.



Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.

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that's a shocker young james.


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There's also the possibility of him having been done in by some 'home calls' ... but surely not enough to turn a match you might have expected him to win 3 & 2 into a 3 & 2 loss. He's blogging for the LTA now, so there's a small chance we'll find out what really happened at some stage.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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We won't need to wait for the blog in fact - the Manta site says he hada throat infection. cry (though at least it explains the loss and shouldn't be too long-lasting)

He does look a bit ill in this pic though it's hard to tell fro ma single photo.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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steven wrote:

We won't need to wait for the blog in fact - the Manta site says he hada throat infection. cry (though at least it explains the loss and shouldn't be too long-lasting)

He does look a bit ill in this pic though it's hard to tell fro ma single photo.

Definitely a nasty throat infection - it's not a good sign when you're coughing up greeny/yellow stuff the size of tennis balls.



Tennis legend

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Very funny, Hoose! ashamed Just had a chance to translate the write-up of the game. I've left in the original in case I've misunderstood any of it and someone else can do better.

El tenista ecuatoriano Julio César Campozano se aprovechó de un bajón físico del británico James Ward, para ganar 6-3 y 6-2 y así instalarse en la segunda del VI Manta Open Trofeo Ricardo Degado Aray.

The Ecuadorian tennis player Julio César Campozano benefited from the physical decline of the Brit James Ward to win 6-3 6-2 and thus get into the second round of the 6th Manta Open.

Ward se vio afectado por una faringitis (inflamación en la faringe), incluso, a inicios de la jornada, el europeo había solicitado la ayuda del médico del torneo debido a dolores en su garganta, en su cabeza y malestar general.

Ward was affected by phayngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) - even at the start of the day, the European had sought the aid of the tournament doctor for a sore throat, headache and general malaise.  

Conociendo esto de antemano, el jugador guayaquileño tuvo la recomendación por parte del entrenador Raúl Viver, quien colabora con él esta semana, de moverlo de un lado a otro a su rival, esperar el error de Ward, y luego mantenerse sólido en sus juegos de saque.

Knowing this in advance, the player from Guayaquil had been recommended by coach Raul Viver, who is working with him this week, to move his opponent from side to side and wait for Ward's errors, and then to stay solid in his own service games.

Campozano consiguió tres quiebres a lo largo del partido -en el primer set, en el cuarto game; y en la segunda manga en el primero y tercer juego- para hacer suyo el boleto a la segunda ronda del Challenger manabita, donde esperará su rival del partido entre su compatriota Gonzalo Escobar y el argentino Mariano Zabaleta.

Campozano broke three times in the course of the match - in the first set, in the fourth game; in the second set in the first and third games - to book his ticket into the second round of the Manta Challenger, where the winner of the match between his compatritor Gonzalo Escobar and the Argentinian Mariano Zabaleta will await.

Jugué bien, él parece que estaba un poquito flojo, se sentía mal, es difícil jugar ante alguien así y bueno, no quería bajar el ritmo para marcar una diferencia, estaba un poquito débil igual a los europeos acá el clima les afecta mucho, dijo el también integrante del equipo Copa Davis de Ecuador.

I played well, he seemed like he was a bit under the weather, he felt ill, it's difficult to play against somebody feeling like that and well, I didn't want to slow the pace to make a difference, he was a bit weak as is usual for the Europeans, the climate here affects them a lot," said the member of the Ecuadorian Davis Cup squad.

It goes on to say that Campozano had been out for a month with tendinitis and was serving much better than he used to after being advised to change to a more flexible racket.

-- Edited by steven on Tuesday 21st of July 2009 09:54:52 AM


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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