n97 looks good on the advert. but the Aps for the iphone probably take the lead. a couple of friends have iphones and all say its great. i know a few people with blackberrys which dont seem to be quiet so good, although the free built in messanger is great, esp if you go overseas a lot. dont know anyone with a n97 tho so cant comment.
i'm stuck with a nokia 5600 classic or whatever its called. i want a good phone!!!!
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
Ta Jak. Some of my family swear by the iphone but they r 'apple' lovers so cant b trusted ! I am also a fan of the symbian os and there is nout missing on the n97 in terms of functionality and great for email / outlook / exchange / browsing. Need 2 have a good look at the 'ovi' store to c what apps r out.