0-15 - bh volley netted 15-15 - fh volley winner 30-15 - unreturnable serve 30-30 - bh passing winner 30-40 - Eaton doesn't do enough with the overhead and then misses the fh half-volley Game Stakhovsky - drive volley hit straight at Eaton
15-0 - Ace 15-15 - great return and fh winner 30-15 - fh pass into the net 30-30 - bh return is a winner (but clearly came off the frame...) 30-40 - clever return and Stak nets the bh half volley Deuce - unreturnable serve Adv Stakhovsky - bh netted Game Stakhovsky - bh return wide
0-15 - good return and fh volley winner 0-30 - Eaton slips on the split-step and cannot get a shot in 0-40 - huge fh pass, but the volley was too safe Game Stakhovsky - DF
15-0 - Ace 15-15 - bh long 30-15 - fh pass netted when easier to hit a winner 40-15 - air shot on the forehand after a good volley 40-30 - good return and fh half-volley netted Game Stakhovsky - fh volley winner