15-0 - bh wide after a good fh 15-15 - fh winner after the netcord drops the ball dead 30-15 - fh winner down the line 30-30 - fh just wide 40-30 - bh netted Game Goodall - unreturnable serve
15-0 - good bh approach is too good 15-15 - fh long 15-30 - huge fh winner 30-30 - Ace 40-30 - great fh pass on the run Game Marchenko - fh pass is dragged wide
0-15 - fh pass is netted after a good approach shot 15-15 - fh pass is long 30-15 - bh slice is long 40-15 - unreturnable serve 40-30 - fh long Game Goodall - bh return long
why why why do the bbc stop showing live sport (and there inst much live tennis a year) for to show Murder She Wrote - repeats of an old American show! i am sorry Sky have their faults but at least they show the matches through. BBC dont deserve to have the ties really.
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
15-0 - fh return long 15-15 - bh winner down the line 15-30 - bh slice goes wide 15-40 - wild fh goes way wide 30-40 - fh return is long Deuce - fh return is long Adv Marchenko - smash putaway after a good bh approach Deuce - fh return long Adv Marchenko - big fh return and Goodall's bh is wide Deuce - Ace Adv Marchenko - good point from Marchenko and fh pass is wide Deuce - Ace Adv Goodall - bh volley winner Deuce - fh just long Adv Goodall - fh netted Game Goodall - fh netted
*1-0 - DF *1-1 - fh drive volley winner 1-2* - huge fh winner on the run 1-3* - fh long *1-4 - fh return netted *1-5 - two good fh passing shots are enough 2-5* - fh long 3-5* - fh drop shot and then bh pass, which forces the volley error *4-5 - netcord on the return and Goodall hits the bh pass winner *4-6 - bh down the line winner 5-6* - fh draws the error GSM Marchenko - fh winner