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Post Info TOPIC: Rotterdam final: Andy vs Rafa

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Rotterdam final: Andy vs Rafa

The head-to-head is heavily weighted in Rafa's favour at the moment (1-5), but the most recent official encounter between them was at the 2008 US Open, when Andy finally turned the corner & beat Rafa in four.  Hope the dodgy ankle ain't gonna restrict Andy's movement so much that the title is handed to Rafa on a plate...


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The match follows the doubles final, which kicks off at 10.30 GMT, & will be played no earlier than 13.00 GMT.


Grand Slam Champion

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Set 1 - Murray to serve

15-0 - good serve, and he puts the fh away
15-15 - fh return winner
30-15 - Ace
30-30 - first rally of the match and Nadal hits the bigger shots and draws a bh error
40-30 - Murray hits a big fh winner
Game Murray - Nadal hits a fh into the net

Murray leads 1-0

No real sign of the ankle injury at the moment for Murray, which is good to see.


Grand Slam Champion

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Nadal to serve - 0-1

0-15 - stunning bh winner from Murray
0-30 - good deep play from Murray and Nadal hits a fh wide
15-30 - Murray doesn't do enough with the 2nd serv and is always on the defensive, and goes long with a fh
30-30 - bh slice from Murray is just long
40-30 - bh slice from Murray is just long
Game Nadal - huge fh's and he hits an inside out winner



Grand Slam Champion

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Murray to serve - 1-1

0-15 - DF
0-30 - fh error from Murray
15-30 - great deep bh from Murray and a fh shank from Nadal
30-30 - great defence by Nadal on his bh and he gets a chance to attack, but drags the bh wide
30-40 - massive fh from Nadal and Murray can't do anything off the bh
Deuce - s/v and hits a poor fh volley, but Nadal puts the bh pass long
Adv Murray - unforced error on the bh from Nadal
Game Murray - Nadal goes wide with a bh

Murray leads 2-1


Grand Slam Champion

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Nadal to serve - 1-2

0-15 - bh long from Nadal
15-15 - Murray gets to the with some good fh's, but the pass is kept low, and Nadal hits a fh winner
15-30 - deep bh return and Nadal nets the fh
30-30 - bh return is wide
40-30 - fh return is long
Game Nadal - bh return is netted



Grand Slam Champion

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Murray to serve - 2-2

15-0 - big fh's from Murray draw the error
30-0 - more good defence from Nadal, but he nets a fh on the run
40-0 - Ace
40-15 - DF (went for a massive serve on 2nd serve and hit the net)
Game Murray - unreturnable serve

Murray leads 3-2


Grand Slam Champion

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Nadal to serve - 2-3

0-15 - Nadal gets to the net but a good bh pass from Murray and Nadal puts the half-volley wide
0-30 - massive fh dtl from Murray
15-30 - fh return is long
15-40 - unforced error from Nadal, netting a makeable fh
30-40 - good hitting from both but Murray gets the footwork wrong and nets a bh
Game Murray - bh slice from Nadal drifts long

Murray leads 4-2


Grand Slam Champion

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Murray to serve - 4-2

0-15 - fh into the net from Murray
15-15 - big fh winner from Murray which just clipped the line
30-15 - huge fh's from Murray and eventually Nadal cannot get the ball back
40-15 - deep hitting from Murray and Nadal shanks a fh into the net
Game Murray - fh error from Nadal

Murray leads 5-2


Grand Slam Champion

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Nadal to serve - 2-5

15-0 - bh return is long
30-0 - good serve outwide and the fh draws the error
40-0 - bh error from Murray
Game Nadal - Ace

Murray leads 5-3


Grand Slam Champion

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Murray to serve - 5-3

15-0 - good serve, and a good forehand to follow-up
30-0 - Nadal runs side-to-side and eventually cannot do anything with a fh
40-0 - unreturnable serve
Set Murray - Ace

Murray leads 6-3


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Great start!


Grand Slam Champion

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100% points won on the first serve from Murray in that set :)

Set 2 - Nadal to serve

0-15 - huge bh from Murray and Nadal drags a fh wide
15-15 - unreturnable serve
15-30 - good bh return, and Murray steps in and hits a big fh
30-30 - long rally with some great deep shots, but Nadal hits a massive inside-out fh winner
40-30 - fh error by Murray
Game Nadal - fh from Murray is long

Nadal leads 1-0


Grand Slam Champion

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Murray to serve - 0-1

0-15 - fh error from Murray
15-15 - Nadal puts a bh into the net
30-15 - bh return is netted
30-30 - return hits the net, but Murray dumps the fh into the net
40-30 - Ace
Game Murray - bh return is netted



Grand Slam Champion

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Posts: 4900

Nadal to serve - 1-1

0-15 - great depth from Murray and Nadal puts a bh long
15-15 - Murray throws up a desperate lob and he puts the smash away
30-15 - big hitting from both and Murray drags a fh wide
40-15 - fh from Murray is wide
40-30 - DF
Deuce - Murray looks out of the point after a smash from Nadal, but hits a stunning fh pass on the run
Adv Nadal - fh error from Murray
Game Nadal - s/v from Nadal and a fh volley winner

Nadal leads 2-1

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