id going to put it out there,feel free to have a ago but..... evans to finish year in top 100
I'd say slight odds agaimst him making the top 200, but I think certainly a decent chance.
Top 100 ? I'll give you 50 - 1 against.
I'd definitely love to see it, and his results are getting better and more consistent. But these are still at future level and as has been said he is not exactly tonking folk.
I'm looking forward to one or two at least of our current bunch of 1990 players to make the breakthrough in the next few years as they seem to have a better grasp of what it's going to take to win week in week out - and Dan seems to be backing up some of his early hype with his 10K wins at 18.
But as any longsuffering still optimistic GB tennis fan knows the way is littered with talented players that could win on the GB futures circuit but couldn't get over the international challenger level hurdle. Slag off Bogdanovic all you want but he's the only one out there winning challengers every year. I'm hoping he gets into and keeps himself in top shape so he can string some results together this year without all his usual niggles.
hmm, was hoping for closer than that. as we siad Oudsema is probably under rnaked here, but he's not that great a player in the big scheme of things. Perhaps Dan isnt quite ready for challengers week in week out.
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
Evo still did well I feel. Would have been nice to have had another win of course, but he does keep getting better. It doesn't seem all that long ago that he was having to qualify for Futures events.
I'm not giving up on him yet, if you're not born 6ft5 with a killer serve you have to learn how to use your own skills to beat the power players and what it will take for you to compete with them on the next level up and beat them. It's not like Dan Evans is 5ftnothing!
i agree to a degree, you can use your other weapons, i mean hewitt wasnt big was he, but in the current climate(and i dont mean credit crunch) i think it will be hard.
I think Rich was lucky to play today as he is nursing a stinking cold, so very unlikely to travel to Germany. Winning when it is difficult to breathe cant be bad, especially going into a TB.