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Post Info TOPIC: Who's the Daddy on here?

Junior player

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RE: Who's the Daddy on here?

Div 1.
1: Alex Bogdanovic 200

2: Joshua Goodall 150

3: James Ward 160

4: Richard Bloomfield 350

5: Alexandar Slabinsky 280

6: Chris Eaton 700

Div 2.
1: Dan Evans 151

2: Joshua Milton 750

3: Dan Cox 800

4: David Rice 1100

5: Marcus Willis 801

6: Dan Smethurst 850

Div 3.
1: Jamie Baker 161

2: Jonny Marray 300

3: Colin Flemming 250

4: James Feaver 851

5: Burnham Arlidge 1000

6: Alexandar Ward 1150


Futures level

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Posts: 2016

what on earth is this all about
this isnt football

though can i suggest another catorgry

the vauxall conferance-

Greg Howe
Myles Blake
tom Rushby


World renowned expert in Nordic tennis. 

Intermediate Club Player

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Nice idea Shhh, thanks for organising

Division one:
1: Alex Bogdanovic 225
2: Joshua Goodall 212
3: James Ward 275
4: Richard Bloomfield 475
5: Alexandar Slabinsky 295
6: Chris Eaton 525

Division Two:
1: Dan Evans 302
2: Joshua Milton 688
3: Dan Cox 642
4: David Rice 755
5: Marcus Willis 702
6: Dan Smethurst 897

Division Three:
1: Jamie Baker 330
2: Jonny Marray 420
3: Colin Fleming 375
4: James Feaver 940
5: Burnham Arlidge 780
6: Alexander Ward 1349


Lower Club Player

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Posts: 160

Division one:
1: Alex Bogdanovic 140
2: Joshua Goodall 180
3: James Ward 150
4: Richard Bloomfield 260
5: Alexandar Slabinsky 220
6: Chris Eaton 300

Division Two:
1: Dan Evans 230
2: Joshua Milton 500
3: Dan Cox 750
4: David Rice 900
5: Marcus Willis 450
6: Dan Smethurst 800

Division Three:
1: Jamie Baker 210
2: Jonny Marray 400
3: Colin Fleming 350
4: James Feaver 850
5: Burnham Arlidge 700
6: Alexander Ward 1400


Challenger qualifying

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Posts: 2144

MJD Prediction:

Division one:
1: Alex Bogdanovic 150
2: Joshua Goodall 160
3: James Ward 240
4: Richard Bloomfield 170
5: Alexander Slabinsky 190
6: Chris Eaton 360

Division Two:
1: Dan Evans 230
2: Joshua Milton 450
3: Dan Cox 800
4: David Rice 860
5: Marcus Willis 450
6: Dan Smethurst 700

Division Three:
1: Jamie Baker 200
2: Jonny Marray 380
3: Colin Fleming 350
4: James Feaver 750
5: Burnham Arlidge 600
6: Alexander Ward 1000

-- Edited by mjd at 19:46, 2008-12-22


Lower Club Player

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Posts: 244

Division One:  The Challengers 

1: Alex Bogdanovic 250

2: Joshua Goodall 290

3: James Ward 190

4: Richard Bloomfield 295

5: Alexandar Slabinsky 480

6: Chris Eaton 500

Division Two: 

1: Dan Evans 350

2: Joshua Milton 600

3: Dan Cox 550

4: David Rice 620

5: Marcus Willis 570

6: Dan Smethurst 640

Division Three:

1: Jamie Baker 310

2: Jonny Marray 300

3: Colin Flemming 425

4: James Feaver 1000

5: Burnham Arlidge 700

6: Alexandar Ward 1030


Challenger level

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Posts: 2573

Thanks for all the entries, 18 in all, and a special welcome to the two first time posters. Its not too late to enter those that haven't yet.

I have printed out the tables to start with, which of course mean nothing but it shows you how ambitious some people are over the potential changes. The biggest move predicted is 566 places by John for Marcus Willis. The smallest is just 1 place by Yorkie for Richard Bloomfield.

We are an optimistic bunch, about 70% of the predictions are for an increase. We dont seem to feel Alex Ward will be going anywhere though with an average prediction of a fall by of 268 places to 1148. Jmaes Ward seems to be most people tip for the big step forward with 6 of you predicting he'll become the British No.2 by the years end.

Remember, the idea is to predict the exact end of year ranking, with a point scored for each position you are out. Therefore, the least points scored the better (the figure in bold). Its a bit of a mess I know but I'll find out how to post it neater.  Never the less, the positions we are starting from;

Division 1 - The Challengers

    Alex       Joshua James  Richard   Alexander Chris  Points
Bogdanovic Goodall Ward Bloomfield Slabinsky Eaton Scored
(Current Ranking) 188 203 279 296 286 389

Count Zero 135 185 210 295 275 450  213
RobH 170 160 200 300 260 440  221
freerider 198 164 142 280 299 402  228
Simmy26 200 195 140 250 280 415  237
Shhh 160 190 210 260 310 480  261
Dusty Dick 138 220 182 330 278 450 267
Drew 149 172 140 250 190 375  365
m-j-d 150 160 240 170 190 360  371
Grundon 225 212 275 475 295 525  374
Josh 161 206 182 393 310 532  391
Craven91 140 180 150 260 220 300  391
kinley 220 235 200 380 350 495  397
Seagull 149 201 185 368 345 532  409
John 100 150 170 320 280 550  441
The Hoose 262 248 320 402 379 474  444
Yorkie 250 290 190 295 480 500  544
Malteser 200 150 160 350 280 700  555
johnnylad 199 170 150 440 210 600  604

Division 2 - The Young Guns

 Dan Joshua Don David Marcus Dan        Points
Evans Milton Cox  Rice  Willis Smethurst Scored
(Current Ranking) 477 754 831 938 966 976

Dusty Dick 369 510 730 595 622 700  665
Seagull 312 630 654 575 675 533  740
Malteser 151 750 800 1100 801 850  814
RobH 400 600 690 740 830 840  842
Grundon 302 688 642 755 702 897  956
The Hoose 188 798 489 804 928 841  982
Josh 220 622 664 758 626 903  1219
kinley 275 550 550 575 780 950  1262
Count Zero 300 600 500 620 700 750  1307
Craven91 230 500 750 900 450 800  1312
m-j-d 230 450 800 860 450 700  1452
Shhh 380 560 630 620 570 640  1542
Drew 280 500 600 650 600 700  1612
Yorkie 350 600 550 620 570 640  1612
Simmy26 230 600 550 610 600 700  1652
johnnylad 215 499 480 621 595 816  1716
freerider 205 495 496 800 494 497  1955
John 250 550 300 550 400 800  2092

Division 3 - The Unpredictables

Jamie Jonny     Colin     James Burnham Alex  Points
Baker Marray Flemming Feaver Arlidge   Ward Scored
(Current Ranking) 428 456 648 839 877 980

Count Zero 275 350 450 800 850 1000  584
Seagull 275 412 499 922 850 1321  620
kinley 277 480 380 700 900 870  715
Drew 200 400 390 900 800 900  760
Dusty Dick 248 384 415 866 625 1111  777
RobH 320 300 310 760 780 900  858
Yorkie 310 300 425 1000 700 1030  885
Grundon 330 420 375 940 780 1349  974
Shhh 275 300 425 600 780 1050  938
m-j-d 200 380 350 750 600 1000  988
Simmy26 180 275 280 800 850 1200  1083
John 180 250 250 700 900 900  1094
Malteser 161 300 250 851 1000 1150  1126
freerider 335 296 249 754 659 1211  1146
Craven91 210 400 350 850 700 1400  1180
Josh 254 297 442 814 706 1478  1233
johnnylad 180 300 403 750 851 1500  1284
The Hoose 308 332 602 1104 1097 1288  1301

-- Edited by Shhh at 03:48, 2008-12-30


 Its really not as bad as they say :)

Challenger level

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Posts: 2446

Division one:

1: Alex Bogdanovic 230
2: Joshua Goodall 155
3: James Ward 225
4: Richard Bloomfield 319
5: Alexandar Slabinsky 306
6: Chris Eaton 475

Division Two:

1: Dan Evans 380
2: Joshua Milton 570
3: Dan Cox 760
4: David Rice 850
5: Marcus Willis 700
6: Dan Smethurst 825

Division Three:

1: Jamie Baker 370
2: Jonny Marray 307
3: Colin Fleming 410
4: James Feaver 810
5: Burnham Arlidge 740
6: Alexandar Ward 1423


Tennis legend

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Division One:

1: Alex Bogdanovic 120
2: Joshua Goodall 170
3: James Ward 210
4: Richard Bloomfield 200
5: Alexandar Slabinsky 350
6: Chris Eaton 450

Division Two:

1: Dan Evans 250
2: Joshua Milton 500
3: Dan Cox 750
4: David Rice 700
5: Marcus Willis 600
6: Dan Smethurst 650

Division Three:

1: Jamie Baker 250
2: Jonny Marray 270
3: Colin Fleming 300
4: James Feaver 900
5: Burnham Arlidge 620
6: Alexander Ward 1100

It's very hard to predict this far in advance, isn't it, when so much can be affected by injuries (long and short) and, at the lower level in particular (and for all of them during the grass court season), by the luck of the draw. With the players who are in their mid-20s, it's also hard to work out whether they'll be able to get themselves motivated or whether 2009 might be the year they decide to give it all up - I've predicted as if the former will happen! smile.gif

Also, the importance of confidence streaks is clear when you look at and see that four of the six multiple singles 'titlists' (as the ATP puts it) had paired wins, i.e. tournament wins in consecutive weeks or two weeks apart - the story is much the same in doubles too.

It's most difficult to predict how players like Eaton and the Wardinator (who gained the vast majority of their points from a single tournament) will do next year. Normally I'd expect them to drop like a stone the following year, but neither of their good runs were complete flukes (i.e. you can benefit from a good draw or an off-form/injured opponent for a match or two, but not for all 3 rounds of Wimby Q or for three QRs and 4 main draw matches in a Spanish Future) and if they can string more runs like that together next year, the new points system is really going to work in their favour.

It's also a bit worrying that many of those who made the biggest upward moves in 2007 had a disappointing 2008 - for example,  while nobody could have foreseen what was going to happen to Jamie B, most of us had high hopes for the Skupster (he even won the 'who's likely to make the greatest impact poll here) but he ended up being the only Brit in the 400-1000 range who was active throughout the year who didn't go up more than 100 places.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

GB top 25s (ranks, whereabouts) & stats -


Challenger qualifying

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Posts: 2144

This is a test to see how Shhh can post tables - limited table length and formatting disappears!

Division 1 - The Challengers
PosBogdanovic Goodall WardBloomfield Slabinsky EatonScored
Current Ranking->188203279296286389
1Count Zero135185210295275450213
6Dusty Dick138220182330278450267
17The Hoose262248320402379474444

-- Edited by mjd at 09:40, 2009-01-01


Challenger qualifying

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Posts: 2144

Division 2 - The Young Guns
Current Ranking->477754831938966976
1Dusty Dick369510730595622700665
7The Hoose188798489804928841982
10Count Zero3006005006207007501307


Challenger qualifying

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Posts: 2144

Division 3 - The Unpredictables
 Current Ranking->428456648839877980
1Count Zero2753504508008501000584
5Dusty Dick2483844158666251111777
20The Hoose3083326021104109712881284


Futures level

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Posts: 2012

we were all pessimistic about A-ward eh! nice to be proved wrong though


Challenger level

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Posts: 2573

I have been thinking the same freerider.  Most predictions were optimistic, apart from A.Ward, who turns out to be one of the few moving clearly on.

I'll update these charts for the first time after Wimbledon when the years predictions show the first glimmer of taking shape, then every 6 weeks or so until the end of the year.


 Its really not as bad as they say :)

Challenger level

Status: Offline
Posts: 2573

First update now we are post-Wimbledon. I'll do these again after the US Open and then every few weeks from there.

Most of us where quite optimistic so are a fair bit out on our predictions. A couple, such as A. Ward and Dan Cox have surprised us. Several have disappointed (if our predictions are to be gone by). Theres still much to change of course, Boggo loses 120pts this week for example! Then of course there's all those wins the Brits are about to start picking up smile.gif

At the moment m-j-d is bottom of Divisions 1 & 2....quite a feat, but will he have the last laugh??? Those leading the divisions at the moment, don't be too happy.....much will change.

No-one is within 100 pts of our top 6 players actual rankings, that must surely change by the end of the year. Then again, to actually get inside the top 100 is the Holy Grail biggrin

The unpredictables divison is proving just that where injuries have written a couple almost totally out. No-one within a 1000 pts though.....blimey! no Remember, if they fail to enter at least 12 tournaments, their records will be deleted so it may get better.

Charts to be reproduced shortly courtesy of either m-j-d or Steven.

-- Edited by Shhh on Monday 6th of July 2009 12:09:19 PM

-- Edited by Shhh on Monday 6th of July 2009 12:10:03 PM


 Its really not as bad as they say :)

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