i think we'd all agree Boggo's year has been disappointing, but not really a flop.
By some means he has hung onto his GB Number 2 spot and as Ak says 5 year ends inside the top 200 is no mean feat.
It would be interesting (cue Steven) to see in the last 10 years how the demographic of Mens tennis has changed, the increased number of professionals and the different number of countries with players etc
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
Hmm. I'm all for legitimate criticism, but "flop of the year" seems rather unfair as a characterisation of anyone, let alone the specific individuals mentioned. Look forward to seeing the final nominees for the original categories!
I think tough love is needed for a few of these idividuals.
Yes lets praise average perfomances,i for one think gordon brown has done a splendid job too,
johnnylad , so are you seriosuly happy that a nation of 60million(and a few illigal immigrants) and a grand slam event can be happy with just one soild top 200 player?? mmmm
take out andy murray and British tennis is at its worst ever i think boggo bloomers and goodall are all great guys who but in alot of effort thats unquestionable but are simply not top 150 players, thats not there fault tho,im not blaming them, im blaming the system. Great Britain davis cup team more like average Britain Davis cup team
having lived in the united kingdom for 18 years and owning a passport i would like to class myself as British and thus allowed a opinion on the sorry state of tennis.
so you are really happy with the state of things??? an example of prasing average perfmances could be to blame??
lol so basically what your saying johnnylad is that the public and the popular press should not be allowed to critisize the performance of the british tennis players because we are not professionals?? and yes critisizing is tough love,what should the lta do , say never mind your had a crap year but we'l look after you next year no no no no.
as for pedigree, the only pedigree you have jonny in you is the tiny percent of norwegian viking acenstry you have left in you!!!!
I think it depends on the player, some respond to criticism and some to encouragement. Anne Keothavong for example stagnated at around 125 for years and then changed her coach. Instead of telling her she would never amount to anything unless she did what she was told the new coach told her she had the natural ability to be a much more successful player and that if she thought something might work for her she should try it. As a result she has now shot up to 60 in the rankings and has the self belief to aim much higher.