Anne has played:- 3x$25K, 5x$50K, 2x$75K, 4x$100K, 11xQ WTA, 7xDE WTA Mel has played:- 9x$25K, 6x$50K, 4x$75K, 1x$100K, 9xQ WTA, 3xDE WTA
They have both played in 32 events and both won about 65% of their matches. Next year I guess Mel will try to move up to a pattern of events similar to the one Anne played this year and Anne will drop the $25Ks and some of the $50Ks to make space for higher events. It looks as if it pays best to concentrate most on events that you have a realistic, but by no means certain, chance of winning ie $25K and $50K for Mel and $50K, $75K and $100K for Anne. That's the bread and butter work, the higher ranked events are where you learn about the next level up and gamble on a lucky draw.