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Post Info TOPIC: Week 45 - ITF (100K+h) - Kraków, Poland

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RE: Week 45 - ITF (100K+h) - Kraków, Poland


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Sooo happy for her. She's taken the opportunities and really used them.

This is the level below WTA level IV, so a very big win. Great grit in the final match.


Futures qualifying

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          Well done Anne. clap.gif The women are continuing to make splendid progress and Anne is giving them all something to aim for. Those in charge of the women's side look as though they are getting something


Tennis legend

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jawdrop.gif Sky's the limit for Anne at the moment.

She's playing like a top 30 player at the moment

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johnnylad wrote:

jawdrop.gif Sky's the limit for Anne at the moment.

She's playing like a top 30 player at the moment

Well top 30 might be pushing it but still she's playing amazing tennis. I just hope she can break the top 50 in the next few months!


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Wow, Fantastico. What a way to finish her year. I used to think that Anne would never make the top 100 but so glad to be proved wrong. I bet a year ago she would not have won this event. It just shows the massive progress she has made this year and she now looks like a totaly different player. Must be down to belief that she belongs up there now and of course can play the higher ranked players much more now. 2009 looks so exciting for our girls with Anne leading the way and finally quite a number of others making real inroads in the rankings. Can they pass on the magic potion to the boys please?

Well done Anne. 2009.......TOP 50?


Imagine a world with no tennis

Challenger level

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Looking at the maths she didn't make the best of starts to the year, Even winning Capriolo at end of Feb only worth 25pts, and so there is scope there to push forward

As it stands she is only 62 pts of top 50...that is certainly possible with the Aus open providing a massive chance as she only reached Q2 this year for 15pts. Flipside of course if that as a DA she runs the risk of getting no points this time round

Thumbs down to the BBC however as while they are giving Laura coverage in all bulletins not a thing about Anne.


Futures level

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anne is mentioned in the robinson story


Futures level

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robson even dunno why i called her robinson :S


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Brilliant result, and such progress over the last few months, that I for one  must admit that I hadn't seen coming to this extent.

Hopefully she now has the confidence to push on even futher in 2009.


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Smidster wrote:

Thumbs down to the BBC however as while they are giving Laura coverage in all bulletins not a thing about Anne.

Nothing new there then  frustrated.gif

Actually, Ceefax does manage 3 lines about Anne at the bottom of its report on Laura's win :

"On a good day for British women, Anne Keothavong won a £100,000 ITF title in Krakow, Poland."

err.hello !!  only the best British women's tournament victory in 20 years !

-- Edited by indiana at 00:34, 2008-11-10


Tennis legend

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Hopefully the Times will realise the significance, though Neil's in Shanghai which might limit the chances of it getting picked up quickly.

Edit: as short but ramarkably balanced article in the Mail gives Anne's win equal prominence to Laura's

No mention of the true significance yet. (btw I'm taking DavidC's word for it being the biggest win by a GB woman since 1998 - Jo Durie / Clare Wood / Sam Smith didn't win anything comparable did they? - I can certainly believe Sam Smith didn't - I know Wimby points weighed more heavily in her total)

-- Edited by steven at 08:20, 2008-11-10


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Tennis legend

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Neil's article this morning is all about TMC and Paul Hutchins departure, which doesn't belong in this section of the forum. I've added a comment mentioning what happened in Krakow in the hope that it'll make Anne's achievement appear somewhere. Of course, given the tiime difference in Shanghai, there's nothing to say OEM wasn't going to cover it anyway in good time.

Edit: updating with Anne's new career high, I've just realised that Anne is only one place off the best year-end ranking for a Brit in the last two decades too - Jo Durie finished 1991 and 1992 in 60th place after finishing 1990 in 64th. The following year, when Clare Wood finished the year as GB no. 1 in 87th place, was the last year that the GB women's no. 1 was ranked higher than the GB men's no. 1. Only one other British women has finished a year in the top 100 since then - that was Sam Smith 10 years ago, when she ended the year in 65th.

I assume Anne has now finished for the year and I don't know whether anyone just above her still has points to drop that might allow Anne to equal or better Jo Durie's year end 60th place.

-- Edited by steven at 08:12, 2008-11-10


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steven wrote:
No mention of the true significance yet. (btw I'm taking DavidC's word for it being the biggest win by a GB woman since 1998 - Jo Durie / Clare Wood / Sam Smith didn't win anything comparable did they? - I can certainly believe Sam Smith didn't - I know Wimby points weighed more heavily in her total)
I assume Anne has now finished for the year and I don't know whether anyone just above her still has points to drop that might allow Anne to equal or better Jo Durie's year end 60th place.

Jo Durie won two WTA Tour events in 1983 (Mahwah, Sydney) in her best year, but that was all. Clare Wood and Sam Smith managed QFs as their best efforts in Tour events (btw I think you meant 1988 in your reference to my earlier post!). My main source for this sort of information is the Official Guide to Professional Tennis, which comes out annually in January, and costs £19 if an advance order is placed with the Tennis Gallery in London. It's a mine of information, with portraits of the top 120 singles and top 30 doubles players (men and women) along with all sorts of tournament stats, including the winner of every event on the WTA and ATP Tours in the Open era.

Your question about year end rankings is a thorny one. The ATP and WTA Tours quote the rankings for the week the last Tour events are added as the year end rankings, even though ITF rankings are added through to the end of December. If you want to use the end of December rankings then it is still possible for Anne to reach 60. Domachowska will drop below Anne and Erakovic might. However there are a couple of players in Odense (Arvidsson and Dechy) who can pass Anne.



Tennis legend

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Thanks very much for the info, maybe the OG to PT is worth getting after all! I realise there is ambiguity over what the year-end rankings are, but I'm inclined to use end-December rankings, so it'll be interesting to see if Anne moves between now and then.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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