You may think he looks a bit overweight but he has qualified and got to the final, whilst playing numerous long 3 setters- so his fitness must be good !!!
Aaarghh! I don't know who I want to win. I'll be happy with either, really. Edging towards Willis just because of Polly. . .(Evo, get your mother to post on here!)
And I would guess Simmy26 really know any of that and really didn't mean any harm.
I didn't know that Marcus was slightly heavy and, its the sort of stuff that you put in your reply serveandvolley that make this board so interesting to read. If people are not allowed to critisize when they feel its merited, not in an offensive way, then we'll just be left with a "ra-ra" cheering board with no insight or debate at all.
As long as a comment is made without malice then I say keep 'em coming.
Thanks Shhh for sticking up for me, and you are correct I wasn't meaning any harm in it, only pointing out areas where he will need to improve if he wants to reach the top of the game. And if he wants to do that he will definitely need to lose some weight, it was said about Andy that he didn't have the fitness to go deep into Slams and iit is all very well winning 3-setters in a futures against guys ranked 600 but speed and stamina are are crucial if you want to beat top 100 players in 3 and more importantly 5 setters. In saying that I was sill very inpressed by Marcs and I am sure he can have a good career, well done to him and Dan for getting to the final this week.
lol yes indoors. Evo & marcus practising together right now. Lta coach with them. Marcus looks in great nik. His physique is mis leading...not overweight imo.