Tara is having a good June/July. It is her first senior final; although not the same achievement as her SF in the 25K last week, you can only beat who you play!
Jos should be very happy with her SF. Great going.
She has done well here, but Tara should beat her if she's playing even half as well as she can.
A coinicidence - the last time Tara won these many matches in a row was exactly in this week in 2006! She won five matches and the Grade 4 she was playing in the Netherlands Antilles.
A title tomorrow will see her into the top 550, I think?
Yay. First senior title for Tara. June, July has been very good for her. I think that battling display in Q1 at wimby told her she could stay with top 200 players.
Whilst she lost that game, she appears to have taken the correct message- I'm in the right class- I can therefore win games at 25K level, and should be going deep in 10Ks.