15-0 15-15 30-15... he needed that point 30-30... he needs the next point as well, and hasn't won a point on his 1st serve yet 30-40... oh no... c'mon!!!! Game Troicki
Troicki leads 4-0
We've seen 1 player blow a 4-0 lead, so why not another? Just don't give up Boggo
0-15 15-15 15-30 - DF... the pressure's getting to him... now avoid the breadstick Boggo 30-30 30-40... BP... c',mon Boggo!!!! Deuce Adv Troicki... so you want to save a MP? GSM Troicki
what is it about alex and masters qualies!! everytime a crazy match. this one, then vs kei thne last time vs dhouly, and no doubt the other one was odd too.
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
what is it about alex and masters qualies!! everytime a crazy match. this one, then vs kei thne last time vs dhouly, and no doubt the other one was odd too.
3rd set TB loss to Lopez, when there was hardly any breaks, if I remember correctly
alex actaully won a higher % on his 2nd serve than % over the course of the match, and he served at 79% with a high 1st % like that you should be winning more, which makes you wonder if he had some kinda problem
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.