It's brave of him to attempt this and hopefully he will be rewarded with a win.
Also, it's incredibly nice of the organisers at both Louisville and Nashville to make the arrangements for him. And thanks to Daniel Lustig for playing his second round match a day early...
It's brave of him to attempt this and hopefully he will be rewarded with a win.
And that match will kick off at 18.00 GMT. Here's hoping he does get his just reward...
Arka wrote:
Also, it's incredibly nice of the organisers at both Louisville and Nashville to make the arrangements for him...And thanks to Daniel Lustig for playing his second round match a day early...
Also, it's incredibly nice of the organisers at both Louisville and Nashville to make the arrangements for him...And thanks to Daniel Lustig for playing his second round match a day early...
Where did you learn all that?
It's OK. I've found the answer: his own web site! Should've looked there before I asked... azing cooperation from organisations and Danie Lustig, agreeing to play round 2 early, enAmazing cooperation from organisations and Danie Lustig, agreeing to play round 2 early, enabling Richard to return to Louisville for Sunday doubles finabling Richard to return to Louisville for Sunday doubles final - Thanks!
Oh dear, all that toing-and-froing couldn't have helped the cause. A close game however, Isner and Parrott were the 4th seeds. I wonder if they will link up again in Nashville? Fingers crossed Bloomers gets through the qualies there.
Oh dear, all that toing-and-froing couldn't have helped the cause. A close game however, Isner and Parrott were the 4th seeds. I wonder if they will link up again in Nashville? Fingers crossed Bloomers gets through the qualies there.
In answer to your question - No they will not link up - It's 'change partners' time including Jamie and Richard