I find this result very worrying. On paper Jamie and Kerr should have won with ease. Their combined ranking is 60 to the 121 of Kubot and Zovko. Something has gone seriously wrong since the euphoria of Wimbledon and the early success of Booty and Stretch.
I think Jamie needs a regular partner. Someone he can practise with and get to know the game of. Part of what made Booty and Stretch (and the Murray bros though they didn't play so much together) a great team wasn't so much their ability (though that was good too) but the fact that they knew each other so well they instinctively knew what the other player was going to do and therefore could cover the whole court extremely well. Until you play repeatedly with someone and get to know their game I don't see how Jamie can have that with someone else, and therefore it doesn't surprise me that he's losing to lower ranked but more established teams.
To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty