alex's determination to play hard court atps' is really hurting him this year. It didnt pay of earlier this year and it hasnt again this summer. He now only has the bronx challenger to play b4 the usoq and at this rate i cant see alex qualifying for the uso. i dont underdtand why he so often fails in atp md or qualies against players you would expect him to beat at a challenger. but i think this also confirms that alex ranking is almost based soley on indoor/grass and his game still needs to improve a lot on hard courts.
if alex keeps on struggeling like this i wonder how much longer he will keep it up?
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
It's really strange, because when he does get to play a really good player he raises his game and does well.
IMO he just has to step back to Challenger level for a while and get his ranking up that way. It is certainly going nowhere (except down) while he is trying for ATP's.