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Post Info TOPIC: Future PICK 'EM comps - TESTERS needed!

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Future PICK 'EM comps - TESTERS needed!

As many of you know, I'm intending to try and get more boards/sites involved and run a much bigger pick 'em for Wimby if we can make it feasible to run it without the master spreadsheet (or Bethan or me, for that matter) cracking under the strain!
Two reasons - 1) because it would be fun smile and 2) to tempt more people to have a look at this site. Indeed, another reason we've got to make sure we can get it right before we publicise it is because if we don't, we'll probably never see the people from the other boards again! ashamed

As far as entries are concerned, the main two things we need are a more efficient (and more professional-looking) Excel-free entry system and (to avoid making the master spreadsheet so big that it grinds to a halt), one that spews out just a string of values we can paste into the master spreadsheet instead of a whole spreadsheet for each entrant.
I've been working on the entry system and I've come up with the web-based entry sheet at As well as being Excel-free and hopefully easy to use, it prevents some of the errors entrants make and flags up far more obviously any it can't prevent, with a note telling the entrant how their entry will be treated if they don't correct it so we won't have to do as much chasing up as usual.

Please have a look at that page, have a play with it and let me have your comments, good or (especially) bad, i.e. problem reports, over the next few days so that the final version can be as user-friendly as possible. I need data to do comparative testing with too, so if you have time over the next few days, please also re-do your RG pick 'em entry using the new form.

For those of you who looked at the first draft at the weekend, the most obvious improvement since then is that you just tick checkboxes to pick matchwinners rather than having to move to a cell and then type 1. I wish it could be radio buttons (where if you select one, it automatically deselects the other one) but to cut a long story short, if I get radio buttons to appear in the right places in IE, they appear all over the place in Mozilla and vice versa.

If it works well, the only real drawback of this system is that you can't do some of your picks, save the sheet then come back and do the rest later - though you can come back later if you leave the part-completed form up on your screen while you are away. You can always print the draw and do your picks on paper first, though, and hopefully the improved ease of use plus not having to download spreadsheets and fiddle about attaching them to an email will make up for it!

Sheddie - even if you like the new entry sheet, don't get too excited yet. blankstare There is still plenty of tedious work to do between now and Wimby to incorporate the new entry data structure into the results calculations.

P.S. I could do with the BT logo in as high-res as possible, the one on the page was cropped out of the current site banner and is a bit fuzzy.

-- Edited by steven at 17:59, 2007-05-28


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Here's some different logo files - hope they help.

meanwhile, I've submitted my RG entry again using teh new form: nice - quite easy to use.


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I've sent in my sheet to test Steven. The one suggestion I would make is to put USA at the top of the list of countries as that is where the majority of entrants from outside the UK come from.


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I've sent in a test sheet. Very easy to use and good to see you'll be trying to encourage the other messageboards to join in.


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that's always been the plan, it's just a case of whether we (and by 'we' i really mean Steven) can get it to work for lots of entries without making too much work for the two of us. Hopefully we can and it'll be great fun to see which tennis forum (and which player's fans) is the best at predicting tournaments biggrin.gif


To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty

Oscar Wilde

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Wallace -  Did you get Gromit to input the new set of picks? Everyone else's scores using the new system match their scores using the old system so far, but yours is completely different.

If it is Gromit's fault (rather than the new system's fault) and if Bethan finds it significantly easier to get the new-style test entry I've forwarded to her into the sheet without errors, then things are looking good.

Results system

I did a fair bit of work on the results system last night, and it:

- works almost exactly the same way for the person doing the results as the old system did (it's the entry processing and hidden calculations that are radically different)
- replicates the current results perfectly for those who re-entered (except for Wallace, hence my question above)
- the new entry system and a lot of cleaning up of the Excel code means that 250 entrants / 10 teams (with dummy info added for all of them) now creates a smaller Excel file than the existing system does for 50 / 2 smile

So, if those two ifs above turn out to be ok, I'm very confident that we could run a pick em for Wimby for up to 250 entrants spread over 10 teams of varying sizes. Indeed, it looks like it wouldn't be that hard to double or triple either of those figures at some point if we ever needed to.

You can see a sample of the results using the re-submitted data at - btw the team names link to their sites now.

The possible teams on that page are just what I could think of off the top of my head. Suggestions are welcome, though we will need to make sure none of the teams are too small, otherwise the really small teams will almost certainly end up at the top and bottom ends with the bigger teams clustered in the middle.

Maybe we could combine teams of less than 10 and split teams of more than 50 (in the unlikely event that we ever get any!), or something like that.

If we can get this established, the possibilities are endless - maybe we could even get an LTA team, a GB players team (all of sheddie's myspace contacts LOL) and/or a tennis journalists team putting their predicting skills on the line some day. wink


Not really needed - I think it would be fine if we left sites like TFF who are making money for charity to attract people with prizes and publicise our comp as purely for the challenge/honour of it all.

Feel free to comment, obviously. smile

-- Edited by steven at 15:38, 2007-05-30


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I just did it as a test. I was tired when I did it and couldn't be bothered to find where I filed my RG picks. I hadn't realised you wanted them to be the same, sorry.

I would blame Gromit, but he was making cheese on toast at the time so I'll blame it on wearing the wrong trousers

-- Edited by WallaceEMann at 23:54, 2007-05-30


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That's fine, thanks for confirming that's what it was. smile At least you now know that the picks you make with the right trousers on are a bit better! wink


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Don't know if you are still looking for testers but have filled it in anyway


Tennis legend

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Thanks Liz, I am smile

Test results as at the end of Thursday are now available at, including any new test entrants since the last update.

Perhaps we ought to add a new rule if we're opening this up to lots of other boards too - any entrant who scores less than King Kong up to the end of Round N (N = 1 or 2, probably) is assumed to be trying to sabotage another team's average and is reclassified as an individual.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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i did my test sheet. It's was (surprisingly!) very easy to pick the winners of the matches (!)

I though it was a very good system and extremely user friendly.

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