1. go to www.google.com 2. click on "maps" 3. click on "get directions" 4. type "New York" in the first box (the "from" box) 5. type "London" in the second box (the "to" box) (hit get directions) 6. scroll down to step #23
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
I think the one you are talking about is step 37 when I do it - did your version take a detour into France? Or does it just come up differently every time you try it?
Edit - oh no, I see, I did it the wrong way round, from London>New York!
haha, maybe ur computer thinks you need more exercise Mad ? Longer swim from France
Great idea Count, I might try that when I go to US Open 2010 Not sure rochelle would appreciate it but she does lots of long distance stuff tho so shouldn't be a problem for her
you've been asking me to come ever since you had the idea to go in 2010 last year
haha...nah, too much bother to bring the shed, we'll just find a 24 hr supermarket/hypermarket to sleep rough in like I said on Sat There surely must be quite a few on outskirts of Paris
hehe i no.. u can come with me in 2010 ( even though its a long time away, and you wil still be in uni)
If you Honestly think i am staying in a supermarket, you obviously dont no me very well lol.. i still cant believe that you have did that.... Next year we are living it up in a hotel when we go to Roland Garros, i told u i will get my dad to pay lol, or if that fails we can camp somewhere, even though we dont no how to put up a tent hehe