If you know what a sheddie is, what creosote is for and can tell your featherboard from your elbow, then you are advised to proceed directly to http://www.readersheds.co.uk - a cutting-edge online resource for shed lovers worldwide.
Anyone who has - or covets - a shed of their own will immediately understand why this site is making a vital contribution to the advancement of Western civilisation. "Non-sheddies" will not, and are advised to get back right now to whatever it is they do while the rest of us are enjoying our sheds.
So, down to the serious business of sheds. Start with a quick read of Readershed's News section, currently leading with "Comeuppance for shed burning Yobs". That'll teach Ipswich ne'er-do-wells to mess with a man's shed.
-- Edited by Count Zero at 23:02, 2007-04-25
-- Edited by Count Zero at 23:02, 2007-04-25
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.