The Updated Live Rankings Table is posted Here (on (with the correct points now, honest Alex up to WR132 Half way back to where he belongs: bring on Cardiff!
good to see boggo fighting and converting that fight into a win - and with an audience. Too often he's fought hard but found a way to come out on the wrong side of the scoreline.
Hopefully spending time in the past several months around heady company and world-class coaches is helping him to pull his undoubtedly good game together.
lol, thng is ken is brilliat. i wish he did more events.
people must have been following the scores on boggo's website too, i've had about 70 hits in the last 20 mins, 170 so far today. it normally avergaes about 30 a day :)
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
still, better radio coverage on the amusing side than no coverage at all, heh?
As bad as this music is, I'm going to miss there not being any coverage at all of Cardiff next week, as I guess the LTA still haven't got there act together and got some decent coverage of the challengers
Do you think Ken pops a few tabs while he's commentating? And that Sam Warburg is his supplier? And that "I've never seen Sam Warburg lose" is because he's always seeing coloured lights by the end of one of his matches ...
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!