you forget that Jade's had some of her best wins when I've been around and following her point by point eg Radwanska at the USO !
Also, u won't be able to get any quotes....Count is sometimes able to get schedule info from Alex when he's back at home but he's never able to get anything out of him about his matches, lol...the Bogman is notoriously unhelpful regarding such matters *raises eyebrows* only the coaxing of the shedman will lead him to reveal a mere two sentences !
When putting down determined coups, it is something necessary to appear to yield to the wants of the revolutionaries before waiting for the right time to strike back
lol @ the long-term planning from the Panda But still, 5 years is a long time to wait for inside info on the tour plus u still wouldn't be getting any inside info from the womens tour !
haha I remember that one Bethan, u used it on me not so long ago