I tried to make a dummy account - and got the same thing. And I even tried putting something in every field - no luck. Might need Sheddie to solve that one.
If you post their entries giving their username I'll accept them - but not until you've done yours !
I have a couple of mates who follow this forum (a bit) and I've been nagging them to become members, just to post their top-10 predictions
But I'm sitting with one guy now and he keeps putting in his name, password and email (the four obligatory things)
And ticks I'm not a robot
But when he hits 'register' it says
"We experienced some errors with your input:
The verification code you entered is incorrect, or has expired."
BUT a verification has not been entered - it hasn't even been asked for yet - so it can't be incorrect or expired
Anyone got any ideas?
Depending on how your browser(/cookies/javascript/whatever...) is set up, it may not be showing you one of those pop-up boxes where you have to select all stairs/bridges/crosswalks/etc (or one of those where you have to type a sequence of letters and numbers read from a distorted image) but it's still expecting you to have provided that input.
Sometimes a lot of refreshing or backing out and trying again or switching browsers or turning off ad/content blockers or allowing javascript will make the verification step appear.
Looking at the list of users it seems that maybe we have had no new members signed up since November, which would indicate an ongoing issue? - and a very concerning one.