Just wanted to recognise on this board that one of our regular members - Topemp - has been appointed Shadow Minister for Apprenticeships and Lifelong Learning as part Kier Starmers new Labour opposition team.
(Shadow) Minister, the traditional allocation of executive responsibilities has always been so determined as to liberate the ministerial incumbent from the administrative minutiae by devolving the managerial functions to those whose experience and qualifications have better formed them for the performance of such humble offices, thereby releasing their political overlords for the more onerous duties and profound deliberations which are the inevitable concomitant of their exalted position. - Sir H. Appleby
(Shadow) Minister, the traditional allocation of executive responsibilities has always been so determined as to liberate the ministerial incumbent from the administrative minutiae by devolving the managerial functions to those whose experience and qualifications have better formed them for the performance of such humble offices, thereby releasing their political overlords for the more onerous duties and profound deliberations which are the inevitable concomitant of their exalted position. - Sir H. Appleby
The only other time I have actually seen the word 'concomitant' was in a Rangers statement.
Sir Humphrey and Rangers are two pretentious comedy classics.
With Rebecca Long Bailey being sacked today as Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Education, I wonder if she will be replaced by one of her Junior Ministers - such as the Minster for Apprenticeships and Lifelong Learning.