Having been on this board for several years now, I know that here I can find knowledge, expertise and opinion in great measure on a wide variety of topics. For that reason I am asking if anyone could offer me 15 mins just to help with the launch of my new website for Brazil. The website has not gone live yet as we are just putting the final touches and proof reading.
If anyone has a few minutes to read through the website and either spot errors or simply provide feedback, I would really appreciate it. I am sure there are errors that I am missing because having read it so many times, I am reading what I think it says and not what it actually says. Also, when any website is created by someone who has detailed knowledge of a product, it is easy to assume that others also have some knowledge and to leave out some essential basics.
I haven't posted a link here because I don't want to be seen to be using this forum to promote my own business. But if anyone would be willing to have a quick look and provide some feedback, send me a PM and I will forward the link.