Hmmph. Can't the 'auld enemy' go back to 250s? But I'm actually quite glad that the Skupski brothers got through that Round 2, as Franko Skugor, in particular, is quite strong.
Apparently the brothers saved 4 MPs before clinching the victory.
I knew it must have been something like that, but I was supposed to be working & couldn't follow the live score as closely as I'd've liked.
They only faced the one break point during the match, and lost in so must have felt hard done by to even be in the tie breaker. Every point went with serve until they conceded the one mini break which led to them being 6-9 down, facing the three match point, the first two on serve. They held them and then got their first mini break back for 9-9. That went to 9-10 for their 4th match point against them but, they took over from that point and gained the victory. Their opponents must be gutted but, I'm dead chuffed for the brothers.
A turn-up for the books: Raja & Sharan are not invincible at Challenger level. They just been seen off by what I reckon is a scratch pairing by 4 & 2! The Dutch top seeds, Koolhof & Middelkoop, went out to a pair of wild cards earlier today, so that means Ken & Neal are the only seeds left in the draw!
SF: (4) Ken Skupski & Neal Skupski CR 162 (79+83) vs Kevin Krawietz & Albano Olivetti (GER/FRA) CR 325 (180+145)