A handful of Brits among the absolutely massive, Grand Slam-sized, 128-man draw!
QR1: (q11) Piers Farhang UNR (CH = 1870 in August last year) defeated Felipe Ramírez (COL) UNR by 3 & 3
QR1: Robert Hammond (USA) WR UNR defeated Jack Oswald UNR by 4 & 4
QR1: Samuel Taylor UNR defeated Fabrizio Alcobe-Garibay (USA) UNR by 3 & 2
QR2: Axel Nefve (USA) UNR vs (q11) Piers Farhang UNR
QR2: Samuel Taylor UNR vs Alexandros Vasileios Kalntgouel (GRE) UNR