Unfortunately Arthur Fery has withdrawn from his Thailand SF and from next week as well. Unless we discover another new Brit, 10 in the top 250 will have to wait.
So big jumps required to get into the top 500 ( WR 500 is currently on 104 points ).
However, longer term we clearly have some really good prospects for getting there and much further once our good juniors such as Hannah, Isabelle, Mimi, Mika and Hep get more experienced and start to play more senior tournaments
Millie Rajecki is another clear top-500 prospect, assuming college continutes to go well
She should be a slamdunk
Not sure about the other college girls - there's some good players there (like Kylie) but whether they've quite got the full commitment to giving pro tennis a real go, I'm not sure
Flourishing on the ATP side of things. Hamish just now making the the QFs in Glasgow puts him live at 487 and now 23 in the top 500.
Should easily get to 25 with Jake Fearnley, Henry Searle and Stuart Parker closing in.
It's wonderful to see how the floodgates seem to have opened since Oliver Crawford's change of allegiance. However, sadly it's not all one way traffic as Alastair Grey is in danger of dropping out unless he finds a way to pick some points PDQ
Flourishing on the ATP side of things. Hamish just now making the the QFs in Glasgow puts him live at 487 and now 23 in the top 500.
Should easily get to 25 with Jake Fearnley, Henry Searle and Stuart Parker closing in.
It's wonderful to see how the floodgates seem to have opened since Oliver Crawford's change of allegiance. However, sadly it's not all one way traffic as Alastair Grey is in danger of dropping out unless he finds a way to pick some points PDQ
From memory, Ali G has a few points to defend in Feb, but then very little until the 2nd half of the season. So if he drops out, it will only be short term. Had it not been for his recent injury, he would be well on his way back up the rankings by now.
I've been busy lately and lost track a bit ... but am I counting 23 in the Top 500 at the moment ?
That's what I'm seeing, Bob. (I had the ATP site open and set to show GBR players anyway because I was checking Charlie Robertson's ranking for his entry in PoM.)