L32: (1) Aljaz Bedene WR 91 v (WC) Filippo Baldi (ITA) WR 833
L32: (4) Kyle Edmund WR 130 v Hans Poplipnik-Castillo (CHI) WR 198
L32: (1) Aljaz Bedene WR 91 vs (WC) Filippo Baldi (ITA) WR 833 (CH = 776 last June)L32: (4) Kyle Edmond WR 130 vs Hans Podlipnik (CHI) WR 198 (CH = 177 in February)
Aljaz giving the doubles another go with Dave Rice:
R1: Aljaz Bedene & Dave Rice CR 785 (582+203) vs Jan Mertl & Sandro Motti CR 593 (461+132)
Hopefully Aljaz won't be getting too hairless over his R1 opponent
L32: (4) Kyle Edmond WR 130 defeated Hans Podlipnik (CHI) WR 198 by 3 & 3