Slight change of plan, playing Shakovets/Grymalska.
Things were going nicely to 64 *32 but after saving two break points, Melichar failed to put the ball away after a great kicker serve from Nik, and after a few volley exchanges Nik's volley/lob went long.
'Tweener on match point down Nik? Really?
Oh well, they did better than they probably would have if Duque-Marino & Pereira had decided to play.
Considering the position they had though, quite a collapse.
Shame, could have used a nice surprise today.
Hopefully Nicola will relocate her vim soon because it's a bit sad to see her struggling this year after the prospects that seemed available to her after her good run last year.
Yes the end was a bit sad. First 15 games were good though! You could see the moment she became deflated though (when she missed the volley at *4-5 40-0). Having finally seen her his year it is just confidence. She has the shots she needs, she just needs to find a way to not get down on her self so quickly because it unravelled when it didn't need to. They were still the better pair even when the second was lost.
Played 11 weeks in 12 I think. I wonder if a rest of body and mind for a couple of weeks might help. But I guess with big grass points coming up she might feel like she has to keep playing.
Shame. There's few Brits I want to see succeed more.