I may be wrong, but I get the impression Anna Fitzpatrick has been winning most of the British Tours this year, presumably playing them for the money so that she can afford to play some tournaments with ranking points available too - she has played just 4 ITFs and got just 1 ranking point so far this year.
No doubt the rest of the British Tour regulars will have been glad to hear she's not down to play at this week's BT in Bolton. Until, that is, they found out who is - Samantha Murray, Naomi Broady, Mel South & Fran Stephenson are the leading Brits, with Amy Bowtell mixed in for luck.
Re Katy Dunne playing here, seems fair enough to me.
She has turned 18, and to me has played more than enough junior tournaments, and probably now if playing them at all should restrict herself to grade A / 1.
She has a MD WC for the Edgbaston 25K next week and probably sees this as better prep than a junior grade 2 in France containing just one junior top 50 player. Makes sense to me.
I hope to see real concentration on seniors from now on.
Well done to her on beating Mel, and be interesting to see how she gets on against Naomi.
Actually I misread the junior tournament schedule. The only tournament above grade 3 level this week is a junior grade 1 in California, outdoor hard. So hardly ideal before next week.
Katy confirming that she has stepped up since last summer, She indicated in Australia that she was going to concentrate on the Pro Circuit for a while. It wouldn't make much sense for her to play junior events other than the Grand Slams + warm-ups, as she has already guaranteed entry to the three remaining slams this year