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Post Info TOPIC: Brits in world top 100s - singles and doubles

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RE: Record Top 100?

Miriambee wrote:

Andy not in top 100 doubles? we'll have to get him playing with jamie again!wink

I know, he'd be nothing without his brother! wink

Of course, that may even be partly true, even if not in the way we mean here - who knows whether Andy would have become as good or as competitive if he hadn't had an elder brother to be desperate to beat when he was young ... and it's possible that there might not have been the same impetus for Andy to go to train in Spain had Jamie not had a bad experience within the LTA system.


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GB top 25s (ranks, whereabouts) & stats -

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Have now gone nearly 5 months "stuck" at 11 top 100ers ( 3 singles plus 8 doubles ).

However, re top 200 singles, with Anne and Bally dropping out in the latest rankings, our singles top 200 total of 4 is equal to the historic end of year lowpoint of 1996 and 2003, and one can only really point to Bally as not being there due to injury.

Now Bally, Tara, Anne, James and Jamie lie just outside the top 200 and hopefully some will enter / reenter the top 200. Tara is clearly moving in the rigjt direction and Bally seems very positive re her comeback.

But looked at overall, GB having just 4 singles players overall ( Andy, Heather, Laura and JoKo ) inside the top 200 is very poor looked at in any light. The first 3 are players of real quality who have had varied reliance on the LTA and JoKo clearly comes from outside the system.


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Doesn't JoKo come from within the system ?
Helped out by LTA employed coaches and fitness trainers, certainly full time for the last 2 years and on and off before that.


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OK fair enough, Phil, you are clearly more up on this than me. Though I should probably have guessed that JoKo was having at least some LTA assistance.

She can thus count rsther less reservedly to the magnificent four.


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Just a belated update for Laura entering the top 100 doubles rankings : 

15 wef 16.07.12 : 1 MS, 8 MD, 4 WS, 2 WD Andy, Heather and Anne counting both singles and doubles.

13 wef 23.07.12 : 1 MS, 8 MD, 3 WS, 1 WD Andy and Heather counting both singles and doubles.

12 wef 08.10.12 : 1 MS, 7 MD. 3 WS. 1 WD Heather counting both singles and doubles

11 wef 29.10.12 : 1 MS, 7 MD, 2 WS, 1 WD Heather counting both singles and doubles

12 wef 01.04.13 : 1 MS, 7 MD, 2 WS, 2 WD Laura and Heather counting both singles and doubles


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I'd stopped regularly updating the total number of GB players in the top 100s, partly because it too much equated doubles with singles, which has been a fault of the LTA in the past ( I don't know if they have current targets for number of top 100 players ).

But I thought I'd look in at the thread again, because it felt like a currently relatively low total, but one that should be hopefully ready to increase, with for starters Joss and Anna on the cusp of the doubles top 100.

On the face of it, very much the wrong direction over the last 2 years, even allowing for such as Laura and Ross.

15 at 16.07.12 ( 1 MS, 8 MD, 4 WS, 2 WD )

8 at 18.08.14 ( 1 MS, 6 MD, 1 WS, 0 WD )

Bit overemphasised in that these are specific high and low points, but still...

I do think ( certainly hope ! ) that we can be much nearer the 15 than the 8 in two or three years.


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It should jump quite quickly on the women's side - Anna,Joss and Hev should break into doubles sooner rather than later. Joko in singles with Laura hopefully back and fit as well.

The men may have a harder task to break in.


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Maybe Wardy in Ms soonish


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Maybe, but still very much odds against.

Henman TID

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Including the doubles does dress it up a bit MS and WS alone probably better reflects the present state of british tennis on the mens side, although understating the ladies both in terms of players out injured and depth chart. Depressing start to the bank holiday.


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With the Skupskis falling out of the top 100 doubles rankings ( down 20 to joint 108 ), we have avoided falling to just a total of six top 100ers thanks to Joss and Anna reentering their top 100 doubles rankings ( up 5 to joint 97 )

8 at 20.10.14 ( 1 MS, 4 MD, 1 WS, 2 WD )

Just 4 men's doubles players inside the top 100 must be the lowest in quite a time, and the 4 remaining have been dropping, with current rankings : Inglot = 41, J Murray = 45, Fleming = 78 and Marray = 87.


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indiana wrote:

Just 4 men's doubles players inside the top 100 must be the lowest in quite a time, and the 4 remaining have been dropping, with current rankings : Inglot = 41, J Murray = 45, Fleming = 78 and Marray = 87.

This really has been the year when the wheels fell off the British men's doubles bandwagon cry


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RJA wrote:
indiana wrote:

Just 4 men's doubles players inside the top 100 must be the lowest in quite a time, and the 4 remaining have been dropping, with current rankings : Inglot = 41, J Murray = 45, Fleming = 78 and Marray = 87.

This really has been the year when the wheels fell off the British men's doubles bandwagon cry


Yes. And at the risk of getting my head chewed off, I'm not too upset. Because how many times have we heard from the powers that be that British tennis is in good shape because we have X number of top doubles players ? It seems to be skirting the issue. I was in favour last year of changing the funding mechanism so it was less pro-doubles. With the post-Downey regime, I assume that doubles guys are getting nothing. I believe that the prize money for doubles is already quite generous. I follow the doubles an wish them all well but I would like singles to be the 100% focus of the LTA.


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Coup Droit wrote:
RJA wrote:
indiana wrote:

Just 4 men's doubles players inside the top 100 must be the lowest in quite a time, and the 4 remaining have been dropping, with current rankings : Inglot = 41, J Murray = 45, Fleming = 78 and Marray = 87.

This really has been the year when the wheels fell off the British men's doubles bandwagon cry


Yes. And at the risk of getting my head chewed off, I'm not too upset. Because how many times have we heard from the powers that be that British tennis is in good shape because we have X number of top doubles players ? It seems to be skirting the issue. I was in favour last year of changing the funding mechanism so it was less pro-doubles. With the post-Downey regime, I assume that doubles guys are getting nothing. I believe that the prize money for doubles is already quite generous. I follow the doubles an wish them all well but I would like singles to be the 100% focus of the LTA.

 Well I'm certainly not one for chewing heads off!! However, I certainly don't think singles should be the 100% focus of the LTA.   Doubles is played and supported extensively in this country and IMO is an integral part of the sport.  Should elite doubles players be funded?  Probably not.  Should they be supported other than financially and treated as a valid part of the sport? Definitely yes.


Tennis legend

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You're quite right, The Opt. - I only meant 100% vis-a-vis the LTA's elite players programme. I think doubles is a large part of the LTA's mandate in terms of promoting grass root tennis, club tennis etc. And if the NTC worked as a source of facilities for all good UK players (which it doesn't) I'd certainly include doubles players in that group. But no further.

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