al gets to 15-30 with some nice play - again the angles are his friend. good play again as al comes into the net, drops one over, brac chases down but alputs the next away for a double break pt....
2nd serve, but al cant get in play 30-40
strong serve sets up a point fro brac, al's 2nd shot into net as brac comes into net duece ace - ad brac game brac, al tries a lob as brac come sin, but its not depe enough and brac puts away an angled backhand over head
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
strong hitting by brac 0-15 long rally, not that strong, but brac goes into net 15-15 al sends brac wrong way after short return 30-15 al comes into net off serve but its a low return and al nets 30-30 Brac nets again 40-30
this is hard to see in a way, so many shots looks long, but arnt
duece, brac return just makes it over net and all is forced tochse down but chips ball long
ace - ad alex game al - bac return just long. phew
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
Egad! Music in the breaks - who do they think they are, USO?
I was beginning to think I was jinxing Alex by watching - when I switched on he was leading 4-1 and looking like breaking again, then Broccoli held and Alex looked like dropping his own serve!
0-15 good return off 2nd serve by alex, brac cant keep in play 15-15 - brac takes control, an comes into net, al sends pass wide. 30-15 2nd serve al gets in play but brac catche snet cord for winner 30-30 al return just make sover net and brac get get it back ober 30-40 brac hits long on approach shot set point 2nd serve al goes for bh dtl after short rally but nets duece ad brac - al miss hits duece - aggressive play by alex and brac nets (if it made it over would have been a winner tho) bracs arguing something ad brac - rally and brac pulls a winner from nowehere game barc - al cant get retun in play
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
15-0 fh winner from alex. he has been hitting some decent 2nd serves today. lets hope he doesnt get too many df's 15-15 brac going for his shots ther an gets the point 30-15 brac goes long after short rally 40-15 al comes in off serve and volleys, brac gets to it, but nets
hmm i missed something showhow?? a df for 40-30 now.
2nd serve volly winner for brac saves sp. duece. come on alex. sp after brac goes long set boggo - foerhand winner :) 6-3
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.