to be honest i am not surprised. i am sure more players would like yo air their views but are still dependant on the lta for funding and until they can support themselves cant take the risk.
Just to put the record straight.
Anne K walked into Draper's office at the NTC the day after this story broke and apologised fully for her comments.
Apparently the situation was something personal between Anne and a former Coach / LTA coach and Draper accepted and wished her the best for the continuing season.
We only have Roger Draper's word on it but I suggest it would be foolish of him to make this up so I take him at his word.
Neil asked for a 'laymans' explanation of the 'On Track' procedure.
Steven Martens then went into a control 'rant' trying his best not to wander to far off-topic...what Neil wrote in his net-post piece was exactly what he said....but reading that you would be none the wiser.
I heard the whole things and took detailed notes....he could have just said...
'On Track' - means a player is currently meeting all the targets and goals laid out for him/her in their performance plan. Primarily based on ranking but it is a continuous process of evaluations of fitness and on court skills.
I have made it specific to an individual....if the LTA say that the men or women are 'OT' then I presume it would mean the majority of the players individually are 'OT'.
..........Those targeted as future stars are being tied to contracts named for AEGON, the Scottish-based pensions company that entered a five-year agreement to act as the governing bodys lead partner a deal wrapped up before the credit crunch kicked in. Someone such as Anne Keothavong, the British No 1 woman, will receive £60,000 annually, to be spent how she deems best suits her. There are strings attached, Keothavong will have to live up to a number of contract targets by December 31, be they to do with her ranking, physical commitment, attitude, etc, that will be determined by a year-long evaluation and scientific tests. There are 36 British players in the scheme, most of whom are on the lower band of support, amounting to £12,000 per annum. .........................
I think the money is distributed to people they feel can make the top 100, rather than how old people are which is why Boggo is on it but bloomers and Marray isn't
I think that article was a 'forehand return' to Mark Petchey, viz. "As the chief executive of the LTA, I take full responsibility for all that we are doing to improve both winning and the community side of the game. However, what I find hard to accept is people who used to be part of the system claiming that everything is disastrous and should be shut down. I normally try to rise above misguided criticism, but Monday's piece is simply not fair and I am grateful for this opportunity to respond to it. ............." That is fair enough but of the later comment - "............ I also said that we knew that this was the case three years ago when we essentially did stop the LTA and restart it. ............."
I think everyone here were very encouraged and excited 3 years ago and looked forward to the new era but have things really changed or is as they say in the movies - "only the names have been changed to protect the innocent" ? Perhaps this is best answered by young kids (and parents of) trying to take up tennis now 3 years later but to me it still seems a very 'cliquey' organisation. What do you think Fitzy + Wolfie?
i can see some of where draper ids coming from, its idiotic to change a system after 3 years as it will never work that quick, if it did it would be more liley to show that in fact thew old system was working. Petchy's suggestion to give Tim Henman a free hand to run the sport, is pretty silly imo, apart from that he was good at the sport what other qualification does he have to be in charge of running it? thats like saying well David Beckham is the best footballer we've had for a while, lets make him head of the FA
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
Too much politics = poor progress on the field (look at Rafa Benitez, at Liverpool). Give them the basic tools, everyone should work hard for a good salary and pension. There is plenty of talent out there, but folk will sit back once power, fame and fortue kick in. Its back to basics, work to earn and for self gain (or GB gain in Davis Cup!!). Boggo and Bloomers for Davis Cup!