le britannique Richard Bloomfield et le français Baptiste Dupuy se sont livrés à une belle bagarre qui a rendu Bloomfield vainqueur après deux manches acharnées, 7/5 7/6.
Richard Bloomfield and French Baptiste Dupuy devoted themselves to a beautiful brawl which made Bloomfield victorious after two {baited sleeves, (long sets?)} 7/5 7/6.
I occasionally read brief match reports and headlines in French on Teletext (a Swiss satellite TV channel), and 'passer' is commonly used to indicate winners, along with oui/non for simple headlines. I've never seen a description of a match as "une belle bagarre" though! Anyway there is no doubt that the report says that Bloomers won 75 76
So Bloomers qualification match is against Jean-Cristophe Faurel.
Currently ranked 305 but has been higher I think. He appears to have won his QR2 match 6-2. Maybe the French ponly have to win one set in this tournament and they're awarded the win!